Active Learning: Is it possible to learn English while Exercising?

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Exercise, English, Dual, Teaching, Innovation


Study aim(s): This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative teaching method, "Active Learning: Is it Possible to Learn English while Exercising?", which integrates English language learning with physical exercises for second-grade students. This method seeks to address the current inefficiencies in English-speaking proficiency among youth in Kosovo, despite extensive exposure to English language education.

Methods: An experimental study design will involve randomly selected second-grade students divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group will participate in the "Active Learning" program, integrating English vocabulary and physical activities. In contrast, the control group will receive traditional English language instruction. Both groups will undergo pre- and post-intervention assessments to measure their English language proficiency and physical fitness over a school term. This experimental study is planned for future implementation and targets grade 2 students.

Results: The anticipated outcomes include improved English-speaking proficiency and enhanced physical fitness in the experimental group compared to the control group. The study will analyze the effect size and significance of integrating physical exercises with language learning, highlighting the potential benefits of this interdisciplinary approach.

Conclusions: This study proposes that integrating physical exercises with English language learning can significantly enhance vocabulary acquisition and speaking skills in young learners. The method aligns with WHO recommendations for physical activity and the PYP's interdisciplinary educational approach, offering a holistic development model. This innovative teaching method not only addresses language learning inefficiencies but also promotes physical health, potentially transforming educational practices by creating a new role for educators as English exercise teachers.


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How to Cite

Deva, E., Rudari, V., & Shala, S. (2024). Active Learning: Is it possible to learn English while Exercising?. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 3(1), 19–29.


