The Effect of Ground Reaction Forces in Different Phases of the Ski Turn: A Systematic Review

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Skiing, Force, Turn, Phase, Steepness


Study aim(s): This study aims to analyze the specialized literature on the influence of ground reaction forces in specific phases of the ski turn.

Methods: Systematic searches on the PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases were conducted using the following keywords: ground reaction forces in alpine skiing. Studies included in this review address the influence of ground reaction forces in specific phases of the ski turn. This study is a systematic review model, which is based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) standards.

Results: In this review, various research methodologies were employed, including assessments of alpine skiers (5 studies), three-dimensional kinematic data analysis (2 studies), and systematic reviews (2 studies). Key findings include the Difference of ground reaction forces in specific phases of the ski turn, the difference between feet (inside and outside), the impact of slope steepness, and discipline-specific forces.

Conclusions: Our analysis has provided valuable insights into the role of ground reaction forces in ski turns. We've observed that the peak of this force occurs during the steering phase, particularly in 'Steering 2.' The outside foot plays a crucial role in the turning process, experiencing higher ground reaction forces, while the inside foot contributes to stability. Steeper slopes amplify these forces. To optimize ski turn performance, early and smooth application of ground reaction forces is essential.


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How to Cite

Deva, E., & Turjaka, B. (2023). The Effect of Ground Reaction Forces in Different Phases of the Ski Turn: A Systematic Review. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 2(2), 54–62.


