Recovery of Left-Hand Mobility After Erb-Duchenne Infantile Paralysis Through Specific Manual Therapy of the Neck: A Case Study

OBPP, Manual Therapy, Treatment, Cervical, Vertebrae, DysfunctionsAbstract
Study aim(s): This study describes a relatively new strategy involving manual therapy adjustment to treat a child diagnosed with OBPP. Our primary goal was to undertake treatment actions addressing the root cause of the pathology. Considering that the main problem of OBPP lies in the cervical region, our treatment focused on the neck instead of the arm, as is common with other therapeutic methods.
Methods: The treatment protocol involved the adjustment of C5, C6, and C7 vertebrae, along with massage and stretching of relevant muscles. Manual therapy sessions were conducted three times a week for two months, focusing on the cervical vertebrae (C5, C6, and C7) and incorporating neck and shoulder muscle stretching exercises taught to the parents.
Results: Significant improvements were observed in the child's arm movement within weeks, progressing to functional use and increased range of motion. By the end of the intensive treatment period, the child demonstrated substantial motor recovery, aligning with the British Medical Council classification.
Conclusion: This case study highlights the effectiveness of targeted manual manipulation in treating OBP by addressing cervical region dysfunctions. The outcomes suggest potential benefits of this approach over traditional arm-focused therapies, warranting further research and consideration in clinical practice.
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