Understanding the Distinction Between Machine-Based vs Free Weight Training and Their Correlation to Mobility

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Resistance Training, Weightlifting, Mobility, Motor Skills


Study aim(s): Determination of the differences between Machine-Based Resistance vs Free Weight Training, and correlations to mobility such as a skill with a high range of motion during movement execution.

Methods: The study included 12 female physical education and sports students aged 20-25 years old, with an average body height of 167.0, weight of 59.3, and body mass index of 20.9. The students included in the study were informed about the benefits and risks (even if there was no risk detected) of the study and participation was made voluntarily. Wight lifting tests included in the study were; bench press on the Smith machine, dumbbell bench press, smith machine squat, barbell squat, smith machine shoulder press, and barbell shoulders press. Measurement of the mobility tests was made by using the Kinovea-0.9.4-x64-exe program. For the data analysis, the SPSS 26 program was used. The normality of the variables was determined by using skewness and kurtosis calculations. To handle the results of the study independent samples T-test and percentile(s) statistics were used. Correlations between tests were made by using Pearson correlation analysis.

Results: Results of the study have shown that differences between machine-based weight lifting and free weight lifting were statistically significant (p<0.05). On the other hand, there was no statistically significant correlation (p>0.05) between resistance training and mobility which is characterized by a high range of motion during movement execution.

Conclusions: machine-based resistance training may affect better in the ability to target specific muscle groups, whereas free weight training results better in stabilizing the body and extremities during multiplanar movements which seem to be closer to skills such as mobility.


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How to Cite

Muçalliu, A., Bytyqi, L., & Hoxha, S. (2023). Understanding the Distinction Between Machine-Based vs Free Weight Training and Their Correlation to Mobility. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 2(2), 63–70. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10428048


