The effects of High-Speed Force on the Maneuverability

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  • Shkumbin Hoxha University of Tetovo, Faculty of Physical Education



Quick Force, Speed, Agility, Maneueverability


Study aim(s): The aim of the study is to see the effects of the lower limbs' high-speed force performance such as jumping performance and acceleration measured by countermovement jump, standing broad jump and 20 meters run test on the maneuverability ability which is measured by the Illinois agility test in high school boys and girls aged 14-15.

Methods: To ascertain the importance of the effects of the lower limbs' high-speed force performance on maneuverability ability some body measurements were taken, such as Height, Weight, and BMI. To determine the effects of the lower limbs' high-speed force performance on maneuverability ability, the Illinois Agility Test, Countermovement Jump, Standing Broad Jump, and 20 meters run were used. 60 students of 10th-grades from high school “The British School of Kosovo” were included in this paper. 40 of them boys and 20 girls.   SPSS 26 packet program was used. The descriptive statistics include; mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and percentiles. The effects of other independent variables on the dependent variables have been determined by using regression analysis.

Results: The regression analysis has shown a significant effect of the CMJ free arms, and SBJ tests on the Illinois agility test (p<0.05). Also, the partial correlation has shown significance between a dependent variable which is the Illinois agility test, and 20mRT (p<0.05). The results show that the group of students with higher maneuverability ability performed better in high-speed force tests compared to the students whose maneuverability ability was lower (p<0.05); CMJ free arms (1≠2, 1>3-4, 2>3-4, 3>4), SBJ: (1≠2, 1>3-4, 2≠3-4, 3≠4) and 20mRT: (1≠2, 1<3-4, 2≠3-4, 3≠4).

Conclusions: It has been concluded that the results of the study determined that jump performance measured by tests such as countermovement jump and standing broad jump affected significantly the maneuverability measured by the Illinois agility test.


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How to Cite

Hoxha, S. (2022). THE EFFECTS OF THE LOWER LIMBS’ HIGH-SPEED FORCE PERFORMANCE ON THE MANEUVERABILITY ABILITY: The effects of High-Speed Force on the Maneuverability. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 1(1), 8–14.


