The Body Composition and High-Speed Related test effects on the Change-of-Direction Speed

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  • Kastriot Shaqiri University of Tetovo, Faculty of Physical Education
  • Fadil Mamuti University of Tetovo, Faculty of Physical Education
  • Blerim Sulejmani University of Tetovo, Faculty of Physical Education




body composition, jump performance, change of direction, speed


Study aim(s): The aim of the study is to determine the effects of the body composition factors such as height, weight, and BMI, the jump performance (long jump test), and acceleration (10m, 50m running) on the change-of-direction speed such as 10x5m shuttle, side steep to the U15 soccer players.

Methods: To ascertain the importance of body composition and high-speed related tests on the change-of-direction speed in U15 soccer players, several body measurements were taken, such as Height, Weight, and BMI. To determine the high-speed related tests on the change-of-direction speed in U15 soccer players, the long jump test, 10m, 50m, 10x5m shuttle, side steep was used. One hundred and sixty young male soccer players, aged 15 years old (± 6 months) participated in the study. In the data analysis, SPSS 26 packet program was used. The descriptive statistics include; mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and percentiles. The effects of other independent variables on the dependent variables have been determined by using regression analysis.

Results: The regression analysis has shown a significant effect of the 10M running speed on the 10x5m shuttle run (p<0.05). Also, when zero-order correlation values have been analyzed even though it is not significant the weight seems to have a tendency for correlation with the 10x5 meters shuttle run (p=.09). Whereas partial correlation has shown significance between a dependent variable and standing broad jump (p<0.05).

Conclusions: It has been concluded that the construct of the tests included in this research seems that among all factors that make these tests effects each-other face validity has been more effective on the results.


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How to Cite

Shaqiri, K., Mamuti, F., & Sulejmani, B. (2022). EFFECTS OF BODY COMPOSITION AND HIGH-SPEED RELATED TESTS ON THE CHANGE-OF-DIRECTION SPEED IN U15 SOCCER PLAYERS: The Body Composition and High-Speed Related test effects on the Change-of-Direction Speed. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 1(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7480323


