Reliability and Validity of the Internal Marketing Scale in Sports

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  • Begüm Sarıahmetoğlu Istanbul Gelisim University, School of Physical Education and Sports
  • Aydın Pekel Istanbul Gelisim University, School of Physical Education and Sports



Internal Marketing, sports business, Internal Marketing in Sport


Study aim(s): This research aimed to develop an internal marketing scale specific to sports organizations to evaluate the effect of the internal marketing perception of active participants working in sports organizations on the employee.

Methods: Since this research was a scale development study aimed to reveal the internal marketing perception of sports service business employees, the research was basic since the quantitative evaluation was applied to the data collected from the participants, the research was performed according to the general screening model. The universe of the research consists of volunteer individuals who have at least 3 years of professional experience in sports service enterprises in Istanbul. The sample consists of 297 voluntary participants. The obtained data were transferred to the SPSS 25 package program, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were applied through Lisrel version 8.80.

Results: It has been determined that the internal marketing scale in sports organizations, which was developed to determine the perceptions of sports service employees towards internal marketing practices, consists of 17 items and 2 sub-dimensions, and is a valid and reliable measurement tool.

Conclusions: It has been concluded that the scale is a valid and reliable scale that can be used to determine the internal marketing perceptions of sports service employees.


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How to Cite

Sarıahmetoğlu, B., & Pekel, A. (2022). THE RELIABILITY AND THE VALIDITY STUDY OF THE INTERNAL MARKETING SCALE IN SPORTS: Reliability and Validity of the Internal Marketing Scale in Sports. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 1(1), 15–27.


