The Effects of 8-Week Dance-Based Aerobic Training in Reaction Time and Body Composition Features

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Soulbeat, Falling Risk, Reaction Time, Body Composition


Study aim(s): The aim of this study is the determination of the effects of 8-week dance-based aerobic training in reaction time and body composition features in middle age people who varies between 35-55 years old.

Methods: The group consisted of 10 middle age people whose ages were between 35-55 living in the Zeytinburnu area in Istanbul. The data collection has been based on the body composition measurements such as weight, fat percentage, and body mass index by using “Tanita BC 545 N Innerscan Segmental personal body analysis”. The reaction time has been measured by applying Hand-Eye, Feet-Eye, and Hand-Feet-Eye Reaction Time with FitLight Trainer. Besides the descriptive statistics of the data Two-Way Repeated Measure ANOVA Analysis was performed based on the fact that the data were parametric.

Results: While the positive effects of dance-based aerobic training have been detected on the body composition features (p<0.05), there are no statistically significant effects of this training on the reaction time ability (p>0.05).

Conclusions: Although the results about the effects of dance-based aerobic training resulted to be in line with the literature by showing a significant effect on body composition, it was found that the same training did not affect the reaction time ability. It can be concluded that if dance-based exercises are to be preferred to improve reaction time, they must be performed longer than eight weeks and have a higher frequency.


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How to Cite

Gülçiçek, A., Tani, K., & Keci, A. (2023). The Effects of 8-Week Dance-Based Aerobic Training in Reaction Time and Body Composition Features. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science, 2(1), 1–9.


